Football News

“They left because…” -Former Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho has stated the reason why he sold Muhammad Salah and Kelvin De Bruyne

Jose Mourinho has provided enough answers to inquiries on Mo Salah and Kevin De Bruyne to be quite confident in his account.

It is usually used against Mourinho because two players who became real Premier League icons were permitted to leave Chelsea while he was in charge, but in an interview with Jon Obi Mikel’s podcast, he made it abundantly evident that he had supported keeping both of them.

He clarified that he couldn’t do anything to stop the players as they were the ones who desired the moves:

Sincerely, they departed because they desired to do so. They didn’t want to wait, so they fled. Their track record demonstrates that they made the right decision in pursuing their career. They’ve attained a high calibre. However, children occasionally make snap decisions because they are impatient.

“I respond just the opposite way when people advise me to let go of Salah. Salah was purchased by me. It was me who suggested purchasing that man. He was on his way to Liverpool from Basel, and I had to struggle to get him to Chelsea.

“Yes, then comes the part where you have to wait or perform in order to be a Chelsea player. He wanted to go on loan instead of waiting, and Chelsea eventually made the decision to sell him. It wasn’t me that made the decision to sell; he moved to Fiorentina, then Roma, and finally Chelsea. I suggested that if he feels he must play every minute of every game, then let him go on loan.

That’s exactly how it was with Kevin. Kevin flew to Asia for the preseason. We travelled to Thailand and Indonesia. The German club wanted Kevin on loan, but I told them no—I wanted him to stay with me. He remained at my house and made his Premier League debut in the starting lineup. He did not play in the Super Cup match that we played against Bayern after that game.

“He wanted to go the next day! After that, we played Manchester United in our season’s second match at Old Trafford, and I believe we drew 0-0. Despite sitting on the bench, he managed to play a few minutes, but it was insufficient for him. He thus desired to depart.

Anyhow, it’s all the past now. We recall both guys from Chelsea, especially Salah, and we recall not being overly concerned when he or she left. Many supporters who act as though they knew they would become great are rewriting history, according to Chelsea News.

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