“Alex looked at me and said: ‘The answer’s yes.’” jubilation rocks old Trafford stadium as Sir Alex Ferguson has agreed to manage this shocking Premier League Club

Lord Sebastian Coe claims that Sir Alex Ferguson came very close to leading Team GB’s men’s football squad to the 2012 London Olympics.
Eleven years have passed since Danny Boyle’s iconic opening ceremony at the London Stadium, then the Olympic Stadium, marked the beginning of London 2012.
Despite not fielding a football team at the Olympics since 1974, Great Britain decided to reorganize for the home Games.
The FAs of Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland initially objected, but eventually an agreement was struck that allowed Team GB to join a team that would ultimately consist solely of players from England and Wales.
Head of the 2012 organizing committee Coe claims he attempted to get legendary Manchester United player Ferguson to take charge of the team.
“We came dangerously near. It was because we were feeling a little vulnerable around our Celtic cousins that I had the idea.
Having a coach who isn’t necessarily English struck me as the one thing that would unite all of that, Coe told the Daily Mail. “Although I didn’t talk to anyone about it, I called Bob Charlton and asked, ‘Am I going to lunch?'” “No, I’ll have Alex call you,” he replied.
“Weeks passed. One Friday evening, I was in a Tesco in Cobham when I received a call. “Seb, this is Alex,” he remarked as I was standing at the butter and fats counter without identification.
“This is the stuff for a long chat, I’m in the grocery,” I said, tossing a wad of cash at one of my kids to keep loading the cart. “Well, I’m not sure,” he answered after I explained the concept to him.
He said, “Oh Jesus, I’m already picking the squad in my thoughts,” as there was a pause. “Alex was present at the BBC review of the year when I went later. Alex gave me a glance and replied, “Yes.” I replied, “Okay.”