Football News

“He shouldn’t be allowed in to the training ground after the international break, he completed JUST 6 passes against Arsenal and had less touches than the goalkeeper”

PEP Guardiola has spoken out about the altercation between Kyle Walker and Erling Haaland and an Arsenal coach.

The two Man City players and set-piece expert Nicolas Joe appeared to be having a furious discussion.
2At the final whistle, Erling Haaland, Kyle Walker, and Nicolas Joer engaged into a heated altercation.Sky Sports is credited.
2Pep Guardiola, the manager of Man City, stated that he is aware of what occurred but declined to specify anything.

The Cityzens Manager revealed following the event that he was aware of what caused the change.

“I know what happened, but I don’t want to say anything,” Guardiola remarked. The know it.
When asked if he approved of Arsenal’s behavior, he responded, “Yeah, absolutely.”

After Gabriel Martinelli scored a late goal for the Gunners in the 86th minute, City fell to them 1-0.

As they made their way to the tunnel, it appeared like Haaland and Walker were involved in a heated argument with a few members of the hosts’ coaching staff.

The Norwegian international and Nicolas Joer, the North Londoners’ set-piece coach and a former Citizen, were seen arguing and pushing each other on camera.

Walker served as a mediator between his tea-mate and Joker during the dispute, which happened outside the tunnel.

In a close game where defense won out, it was an anxious afternoon for both teams.

Haaland kept to himself pretty much the entire match.

With some superb marking, Arsenal defender Willia Salia was able to keep the star scorer quiet.

In fact, throughout the match, the Norwegian didn’t record a single shot that was on or off target.

Following their loss to Wolves, Man City suffered their second straight Premier League defeat.

After the game, Bernardo Sila remarked, “It’s a setback, but it’s still the beginning. We are a long way from the season’s conclusion. It’s never simple to play while up against a good opponent at the Pirates.The outcome of the game could have gone either way because it was so close. A deflection was used to decide it in great detail. We need to be a little bit more intense in the way we go forward in those situations because, in my opinion, we take way too much time to contemplate and put everything behind us. It is what it is; it is all a part of the foot.We were the Trele champions the previous year, and there was a time when things weren’t going our way. You possess these qualities. What and who you are are determined by how you interact with others.

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